Product features
Rubber shock absorbers are commonly referred to as rubber shock absorbers. With the development of science and technology, there are more and more kinds of rubber shock absorbers and more and more widely used!
The following are the characteristics and types of rubber shock absorbers.
Advantages of rubber shock absorber:
(1) it can freely determine the shape and control the hardness by adjusting the rubber formula components, which can meet the stiffness and strength requirements in all directions;
(2) the internal friction is large and the damping effect is good, which is conducive to crossing the resonance zone and reducing high-frequency vibration and noise;
(3) the elastic modulus is much smaller than the metal, which can produce relatively large elastic deformation;
(4) no sliding part, maintenance is very convenient;
(5) impact stiffness is higher than static stiffness and dynamic stiffness, which is conducive to impact deformation.
Types of rubber shock absorbers:
I. according to functions, it can be divided into:
(1) narrow rubber shock absorber supporting various devices;
(2) rubber buffer for the purpose of absorbing shock;
(3) rubber spring used as mechanical transmission part
(4) dynamic shock absorber to eliminate vibration of specific vibration frequency;
(5) rubber coupling also includes rubber shock absorber category.
Ⅱ. According to the shape, it can be divided into:
(1) compression type
Rubber shock absorber used mainly in the direction of compression. The advantage is that the load bearing capacity, but the compression direction of the elastic coefficient can not be chosen too low.
(2) cut
Rubber shock absorber for shearing direction. Its load bearing capacity is small, but it has the advantage that the elastic coefficient can be chosen very small.
(3) compound
Rubber shock absorber for compression and shear combination direction, with intermediate characteristics of compression and shear.
(4) cylindrical shape
This type of rubber shock absorber can be used to reduce vibration in vertical, axial, twisting, pry and other directions. It is similar to the compressed rubber alkali vibrator in axial vertical direction. The load bearing force is generally large, but the elastic coefficient cannot be selected too small.